Communications plan

Your voice is heard in Little Burgundy city of Montreal.   

Bring your pen and paper now to start writing what you want to come true in Little Burgundy. For example, think about what improvements you want in the city? 

To let others, hear your voice within the Little Burgundy movement, you must consider reading this blog. We aim to share our message with citizens who might not be familiar with this movement. Our goal is to ensure that each resident organizes themselves into a committee as it helps to produce an efficient representation of the community. As one of our values is that we extremely care about citizens’ voices, that is why we include citizens in every step we take. 

This blog campaign is targeting citizens who want to join the movement. So, if you want to create a change this is your opportunity to do so. For instance, in the meetings you will share ideas and discuss things you want to add to the city. The stakeholders are neighbors, citizen organizations and community development groups where their objective is to enforce a change within a community to support the needs of others. 

 It is our priority to make sure that every individual within the community is being served. So, to share our message, we chose a blog campaign as it allows you to reflect on your perspectives on this movement. This plan proposes a three-part blog series describing the meetings, and our spokesperson is the Minister Of Municipal Affairs In Quebec and two elder citizens. 

The blog allows us to describe, and explain the campaign because blogs are accessible more easily and efficiently. According to Minaev in “Why Do People Blog?”, blogs are an effective way to connect with new people and to educate people about a particular topic (2021). In addition, Todorov conducted a statistics study that illustrates that blogging has become an increasing talent, there are about 31.7 million bloggers in the United States (2021). Melanie G argues that a blog is regularly updated, and it is permanent on the organization’s website (2019). Whereas, using a social media platform the content is temporary and will not reach a plethora of people (Melanie G, 2019). Because if your page has a low number of followers, and you do not use the hashtag that can affect the reach of your page or post. With this in mind, feedback is the biggest challenge within the blog, the blog series should be tested on the project coordinators that are familiar with movement outcomes. Also, they can tell us how they felt after reading the blog as this can help us improve the blog. we will take feedback from the meetings as it can be an effective example to illustrate to citizens our abilities in creating these campaigns. It is also important that we encounter the feedback of our spokespeople which is the Minister Of Municipal Affairs In Quebec and elders in our city. 

Moreover, we know that this movement is not done frequently as a result, people might have a fear. Where they need evidence to make sure that it is an authorized movement or they can be thrilled about this blog campaign. Therefore, we will present the Minister Of Municipal Affairs In Quebec themselves to explain and describe the movement. Also, two elders to allow them to share their feelings, and thoughts on our campaign. Each of the three blog entries will highlight the experience, and explanation for the upcoming steps of the project.

The campaign is designed to raise knowledge about the new movement, which is happening at Little Burgundy in the city of Montreal. The content in this blog series should be framed in the first person to prevent bias information. The repetition of keywords such as campaign, movement, and meeting is crucial in this blog. As it is focusing on our message and also sharing the experience, feelings. Additionally, comments are available to allow others who know the answer to reply. Where it allows us to see what others think of this program. Additionally, every comment is being monitored by our organization’s Email.

This blog series will be released every Tuesday beginning next week at 6:30 AM. This timeline is dedicated to giving citizens a chance to learn more about the campaign in case they have any doubts, our blog series will surely cover all topics indicated we will begin our blog campaign next week.

Spokespeople blog will be featured first as it gives a clear sense to the new citizens what is the purpose, and advantage of having this movement in our city. Information that includes impressions of citizens coming to our meetings will be constantly updated to measure results from social media redirection.  

This is a three-part blog series that provides information on the campaign movement in Little Burgundy in Montreal City. It will be published every Tuesday, which aims to educate and raise the awareness between citizens that their voice matters. 


Minaev, Why Do People Blog? – 15 Real Benefits of Blogging. (2021, May 19). Retrieved from

Melanie G. (2019, September 09). Social Media Posts vs. Blog Posts: Which is Better for You? Retrieved from

Todorov, 81 of the Most Up-to-Date Blogging Statistics in 2021. (2021). Retrieved from